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guard against arrogance中文是什么意思

用"guard against arrogance"造句"guard against arrogance"怎么读"guard against arrogance" in a sentence


  • 力戒骄傲


  • We should be modest and prudent , guard against arrogance and rashness , and serve the people heart and soul .
  • The rapid development of our company , depend on 14 countries , the support and patronizing of 21 foreign businessmen , the company is determined to make persistent efforts , guard against arrogance and impetuosity , improve product quality further , honor commitments , alongside more foreign businessmen , serve consumer , create the bright tomorrow of the glove cause of labour protection
    我们公司的迅速发展,有赖于14个国家, 21个外商的支持和光顾,公司决心再接再励,戒骄戒躁,进一步提高产品质量,遵守承诺,同更多的外商一道,为消费者服务,共创劳保手套事业的美好明天。
用"guard against arrogance"造句  
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